Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Has it really been thaaat long since I updated this?

I just realized that it had been about three months since I had updated this...So sorry! I think all of my posts start out this way-I am apologizing for taking so long in between posts...A lot has happened since the middle of March. Cameron Walker is officially a walker! He technically took his first steps in the beginning of April, but finally about two weeks ago, he decided he was ready to give up crawling and he has not stopped walking since. It is so fun to watch. Jeff has some video on his cell phone of Cameron walking-it was one of his first official Walker days-I will have to figure out how to get that on here and share it. It's really cute. He was so proud of himself.

Some current pictures of Cameron:

We went to Ventura beach in April. Cameron had been to the beach in September last year and he enjoyed it then, but he LOVED it this time. He had a really great time playing in the sand. He was a little unsure about the water, but loved the sand.

Cameron went on his first trip to Olvera Street and loved the churros. Here he is enjoying a fresh, warm churro:

As I said in my last post, Cameron LOVES Elmo. He loves Sesame Street in general, but is specifically intrigued by Elmo. So we went to The Body by Sesame Street and Cameron got to try to learn about how the body works, and got to meet Elmo. Another day, we went to the Zoo and Cameron got to meet Bert and Ernie! Oh the excitement.....

And here is Mr Walker in the same rocking chair that I used to sit in. He is reading his FAVORITE book (Well, this and Goodnight Moon)...

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