Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fourth of July fun and Cameron is allllmost four months old!!!

I cannot believe that Cameron is going to be four months old tomorrow. My little guy is getting bigger and bigger every day. We go for his four month appointment tomorrow, and I can't wait to see how big he has gotten. I weighed him a couple of weeks ago, and he was 15 pounds 8 ounces, so I can only imagine what he will weigh tomorrow!

I didn't realize until I got on here that it has been a month since I last updated this! I am so sorry to any of you that have been looking for recent pictures. I promise to try to update this more often. It is a lot of work taking care of a little guy all the time, but I will get on here more often.

We went to my parents' cabin in Mammoth for the Fourth of July weekend. We left Thursday around 6 and we were up there until Sunday. Cameron did pretty good on the drive going up and coming home. He slept most of the time, and cried only a little bit a couple of times. He slept like a champ up there. We had a lot of fun. We took him to the parade, but did not do fireworks. We thought he was still too little to enjoy them.

Here are a few pictures from our weekend. Enjoy!
