Wednesday, May 21, 2008

And the CUUUUTEST picture of Cameron sooo far....

Can you find Cameron??

Cameron's first Easter, first Dr appointment, car ride home from the hospital, Tummy Time, and sleepy time

Cameron was almost two weeks old on Easter, so for his first Easter, we went to my parents' house. My sister, Melanie, and her husband, Buddy, were visiting from North Carolina, so they were there. There were other family and friends there as well. Here is a picture of Cameron and his daddy hanging out in the hammock at my parents' house on Easter:
Here is Cameron getting ready to go home from the hospital (with the super cool Baby Lo Jack on his ankle):
And here is Cameron after his very first doctor's appointment, when he was one week old. He even got a Winnie the Pooh sticker (it's on his beanie) for being such a good boy!

And a cute picture of Cameron asleep in his car seat:
Here is Cameron during some (not so loved) tummy time:

Ear infection and a shot! Oh, No!

Yesterday, Cameron had his two month check up (at 10 weeks old). He weighed 13 pounds, 12 ounces (up from his birth weight at 8 pounds, 2.3 ounces) and he is 24 inches long (up from 20 inches at birth). So the doctor was quite pleased. He is in the 75th-90th percentile. The doctor was doing his exam, and checking his eyes, ears, nose and throat. When he looked in his left ear, he asked if Cameron had been fussy, and we told him that he had been a little bit fussy the past couple of nights. He told us that he had an ear infection in his left ear! :( I have had horrible ear infections my whole life (including one on our honeymoon), and I was happy to hear that breastfeeding reduces the chance of ear infections. Unfortunately, my little guy got one anyway. He had to get his first shot, and he cried a little at first, but was fine after a couple of minutes. We were really proud of him for being such a tough guy.

Today is Jeff's birthday, so I have to go help Cameron wrap daddy's present. Talk to you all later!

Bath time and some other fun pictures

Cameron loves bath time. It's not so much that he smiles, he is just very relaxed. His leg is usually hanging out in the water. You can kind of see it in the picture here. He also loves is when Jeff pours water all over him. Here is a picture of him in the bath and then after the bath, in his froggy towel:

And then these are just some funny, random pictures of Cameron:
Go Angels!
He is wearing the super cute "Future Mr Right" onesie that Auntie Hope got him, and the adorable vans that Auntie Jen got him. (He has two Aunts, and about a million Aunties)
And then here is one of his one month old pictures (which was the picture we used for his birth announcements):


Cameron loves his grandparents

Here are some pictures of Cameron with Grandma and Grandpa. They just adore him. If they haven't seen him for a couple of days, they will call and see if they can just stop by for a couple of minutes. When he was new new, and still sleeping allll the time, they would stop by, and if he was sleeping, they would just look at him for 10 miutes or so, and then leave. We go over to their house at least once a week. They have already gotten to babysit twice, so that Jeff and I could go out. I don't know who was doing who the favor-us or them. Anyway, here are a few pictures of Cameron with Grandma and Grandpa:

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Two Months Old Already

Cameron was born on Monday, March 10 at 6:41 pm. I was scheduled to be induced on Tuesday morning, but Cameron decided to come on Monday instead. My water broke around 6:30 on Monday morning. We went to the hospital and I was in labor all day. Around 4, Cameron's heart rate started to go up, and wasn't coming back down. The doctor said I could be in labor for at least another 4 hours, and she suggested an emergency c section. So they got me ready, and Jeff scrubbed in. They started the surgery around 6:15, and he was out of there at 6:41. His heart rate was high when he was born, so they monitored him for a couple of hours, and then it came back down and it was fine. He was 8 pounds, 2.3 ounces and 2o inches long.

We were in the hospital all week. Jeff took the whole time off work and stayed at the hospital the whole time. We came home Friday afternoon.

And wow-it has been an amazing two months! So much has already happened, and he has already changed so much. We go to the doctor for his two month checkup on May 20, and we are very excited to see how much he has grown.

I just found this website, so I will have to do some catching up with pictures and everything, but check back often. We will keep this as up to date as possible so that everyone can see where Cameron is at.

Here are a couple of pictures to keep you satisfied until I can post more:

This is Dr Jeff before my surgery
Cameron just a few minutes old:
Mommy and Cameron:
Daddy and Cameron:

Check back soon! I promise to post more later!